Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blogger Swap

I just finished putting together my blogger swap box! Of course I finished just on time, I really wanted to sent it out earlier in the week, but I got a little OCD and wanted it to be perfect! It was a good little project to get my mind off everything and who doesn't love shopping for other people, I know I sure do! So, I'm off to the post office first thing in the morning, I hope it doesn't take too long to get to my girl Meg!

Ha.. I'm such a nerd! (I really just didn't want to temp the stalkers, since I forgot to take picture before I put the address on!)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Well Hello Stranger...

Okay so I have been on a completely unintentional blogging hiatus lately, thanks to our awesome work in progress new house. Ever since this little adventure has started I have been completely thrown off my game. It kind of feels like someone threw in another juggling ball and I let them all come crashing down. I am trying to get it all straightened out, but man, I am busy with things that I never really imagined I would have to find time to do, like meetings and floor plans and lots of cleaning. Why is this house so stressful, well because this is what it looks like inside! Why did we do this you ask? Well.. because we just don't do anything the "normal" way - what fun would that be anyway! It is going to be really cool when it is all said and done, but it is going to be quite the adventure. On the bright side I now have some new blog content, because who doesn't like to watch a car crash a good before and after. Stay tuned for all of my fun projects to come!

The Grand Entryway!
 Since Ry is still overseas, his parents and I have been cleaning up and doing some demo work on the weekends. So far we have cleaned up the yard, power washed the house, demoed some stuff in the basement, and have been reveiwing 100's of different floor plans. We met the architect today, which will give us some much needed guidance with the layout and getting everything up to the current code standards. I am a huge girl when it comes to anything to do houses, renovations, or anything close to that, so I am getting a crash course education on everything there is to home "renovation" - if that is what you call what we are doing...

The crap we pulled down from the basement...

 School has been extra fun as well, I started taking an elective class last week and sorta wigged out and then dropped out of the class, but because of my mini meltdown, I figured out that I don't need to actually take that class, and that I can test out of the elective. This means that the class I start on next Tuesday is my last class! Since there is a 2 week holiday break, it will be split up, 3 weeks now and then 4 weeks in January. I am beyond excited about this, for whatever reason one class is so much more doable that two classes. Now that I have this all sorted out, I feel much better, and in turn I hope that I can keep up the momentum and get organized and get my ass back on track. I am a feen for a routine - I am completely OCD, I like to keep everything planned out and I try to stick to it, which has been hard to do lately. I am feeling much more positive and a little bit more grounded today. So bring it on life!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Falling Off, Trying to Get Back On...

I'm not going to lie, I am struggling hard core with shit right now.  Last week was major issues with school work and a total lack of motivation. I got that all back on track, but ate like a fat cow while doing it. I don't know if it is my anxiety that takes over in these situations, but it's like my brain can only process so much, so when I get into panic mode I totally forget about anything healthy and go back to bum mode. I did decent with my October challenge, I am currently debating posting my before and after, maybe I'll do that post tomorrow.

 Oh yeah.... we bought a freaking house! This sounds really cool, which it is. BUT, we do not do anything "normal" - we bought said house from a tax auction - without ever seeing the insides. Ry and I have been talking about buying a house for a long time, that is one of the main reasons that he is in a Afghanistan right now. He and his dad had been doing a lot of research into this particular auction ad the proprieties that were up for sale. We ended up with six possibilities, so my FIL to be, Mark and I, went to the auction Tuesday morning. This was the most nerve racking experience of my life. I almost peed my pants during the bidding for our first potential properties, which we did not win. It was my first choice, a cute little town house in a really nice neighborhood. It was a fixer-upper, but it seemed very manageable. At this point I was so disappointed, I was ready to call Ry and tell him this was all for nothing. Then before I knew it we were the highest bidder for a seemly nice 4 bedroom house in an older neighborhood. It took a minute to sink in that we actually just bought a house, pretty much sight unseen. Ryan's dad finally was able to get a peek at the inside over the weekend (legally we aren't supposed to do anything with the property until the paper work is finalized).  There isn't much to see inside the house, because it is practically gutted. No kitchen, no downstairs bathroom, not much drywall, oh and no stairs down to the basement. We wanted a fixer-upper, and boy we sure got one! Holy shit... I mean we have a lot of people willing to help and that have enormous amounts of talents, including my FIL who is an electrician and my dad is an awesome DIYer, not to mention that Ryan is pretty handy himself. I know that we will be able to make this house in to an actual home - it is just going to take forever a while. This past week has been full of research, ideas, planning, and a little bit of apprehension. This is a really cool thing, and it is going to be awesome when it's done, but I can't help but to be a little nervous! Plus, there are going to be so many projects to document and blog about!! ...and a legit reason to be on Pintrest so much!

The House!

So I'm thinking that there is no coincidence that my down hill slide to fat girl status started on Tuesday and has just kept right on trucking this whole week. I worked four nights in a row, which were four awful nights of being totally exhausted, and a whole extra hour of work on Saturday night, thank you daylight savings time. I really tend to struggle when I have so many things on my plate. I'm going to keep trying, one step at a time. That is all I can do, I need to get over myself and get my shit together. I don't know how some people have it so together, or maybe they are just better at pretending than me. I can't lie, I cannot wait until the day when school is over, this will be soon, but just not soon enough. Some times I think that if it wasn't for school, that my weight loss would go easier, but this isn't true. I lost the first twenty pounds while I was in school, so I know for a fact that it is possible. It would give me more time and more flexibility, but being in school does not mean that I can't eat healthy or exercise. I need to remember this and tell myself that I can do it.