Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blogger Swap and Random Brain Dump..

I got my Blogger Swap package on Sunday.. well it was here on Saturday but I was a dingbat and forgot to check the mail! I LOVE everything that Meg got for me. The picture frame and dry erase board is totally up my alley! I love all office supplies, probably a little obsessively, but hey there are worse things to be obsessed with right?!  I can't wait to paint my nails and try out my new polish! I definitely think Meg and I were BFF's in another life! She got it right on!

In other news, my parents got two puppies, which they brought home on Friday. They are a mix between a Chorkie and Bichon Frise (they were oops babies!). They are so cute and so tiny, they only weight 1.3 pounds each since they are 8 weeks old. At first I was a little nervous about this whole thing, since my Zoey stays with my parents when I work overnight. I had awful visions of Zoey biting the puppies or something, but so far so good. Here is a little dose of cuteness...


We got the blue prints from the architect today, so things should get going with the house in a week or two. We just have to make some small changes to the blue prints, and the the framer will come in and do his thing. I started my last class today for my Bachelor's Degree, I will be very happy to be done, but this class looks like it may be a royal pain in my ass! I'm hoping that I can make it through and get back on track with working out too. I know that without school it would be easier, but I can't wait 2 months to get back on track, I need to do it now. I need to prevent packing on the Christmas pounds, so at least if I can exercise and eat well now, I will be able to enjoy Christmas goodies, when it is time.

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